"Terri Marie projected a true and sincere desire to help her attendees attain true prosperity."
"New insights"
The Spiritual Side of Abundance
The "Money Mirror" System
Each of you has a Money Mirror, an image of all your money thoughts and beliefs that reflect into
your world every single idea about money that you have. When you change the thoughts and feelings that you put into the money mirror, the
reflection of abundance that you will see around you also changes.
The Money Mirror System contains the 13 facets that make up the Money Mirror. You will discover how you can put
these facets to work in your life. This amazing system includes the secret to having and keeping money. You will
learn you how you can get your own Money Mirror to shine with brilliant abundance.
Here's What You Will Learn With This Unique Abundance Creation System:
The 2 Fastest Ways to Wealth
The Most Important Money Belief You Can Develop
6 Qualities You Need to Develop For Abundance
Low-Grade Money Infections and How to Get Rid of Them
The First Place You Need to Start Creating Wealth
The 2 Concepts You Don’t Want to Put Together or You Will Repel Abundance
What is “The Abundance Lesson“ and How You Can Benefit From it?
What to Make Sure You Include When You Tell Yourself Any Money Thoughts
How to Find the Pattern in Your Money Challenges
How to Create Strong Money Beliefs
Over 50 Ways to Raise Your Abundance Vibrations
A Powerful New Way to Increase Your Abundance
The system includes a powerful CD of wonderful Scenic Imaginations designed to change the feelings you have around money.
But the crown jewel of the system is the unique and amazing Abundance Tones unqiue sounds which contain the actual energies of abundance.
How to Get Rid of the Worst Form of Poverty Thinking
Why Expanding Your Energy Creates a Money Vacuum?
How to Remove the Pain You May Have Associated With Money
Why Different Individuals Have Such Different Money Beliefs Even in the Same Family
How to Understand the 4 Quadrants of the Time/Money Equation
How to Handle the Spirituality vs Wealth Issue Once and For All
The 4 Biggest Money Repellers and How to Remove Them
3 Steps to Release Guilt Around Having Money
My name is Terri Marie. I’m the creator of the Money Mirror System™.
I didn’t grow up with much money. In fact with six children, my parents had little extra money and really struggled financially.
I remember getting one new dress when I was growing up, a cute periwinkle blue jumper and blouse.
The rest of my clothes were hand me downs from my wealthier cousins. Once when I was in a grocery store,
I saw the most beautiful doll I’d ever seen. I stared at her every time I went in the store.
But all that wishing didn’t get me the doll. It was food on the table or the doll and my parents wisely choose the food.
(I on the other hand would have gladly starved to have that doll!)
What those kind of seemingly insignificant events did was build up a series of beliefs that made me think and believe in my very soul
that I couldn’t have
what I wanted.
Maybe that happened to you too or maybe it happened later in life.
I had gotten married quite young to a man who was going to college. He was ambitious, got a great job, and quickly moved up
the ladder at the company that hired him. He earned more and more money every year but I still felt poor.
Part of that was because he didn’t want me to work. It was all his money.
Needless to say, with other problems as well, eventually the marriage ended and I was left
to raise our daughter on just 1/4 of his income. I was shocked that this could happen, living in a neighborhood of doctors,
architects, engineers and business owners. Overnight, my daughter and I moved into a state of poverty.
I was truly stunned that this could happen to us in middle class America. The mother and child left in poverty while the ex-husband
could go on and quickly recover financially from the divorce with new cars, a new home and a new family.
A marriage that I thought was for life and yes, security too, was a mirage.
It was as if I fell through the cracks of a broken misguided financial system that I thought would help me when I needed it most.
It didn’t and I struggled.
Quickly I learned to go without. I didn’t really need much having cut out cable, the gardener,
the household help, and refinanced any loan I could, but it was my daughter’s situation that was really painful to watch.
Because I wanted to keep her in the same house with the same friends to disrupt her life as little as possible,
she grew up in a very affluent area. Her friends had the “in” clothes. Their parents could buy them every advantage.
We were surrounded in a sea of abundance that we watched daily. Yet we were painfully aware that we were excluded from the wealth party.
It was like being starving and watching everyone else feast at a banquet.
My heart ached for what I couldn’t give daughter (or myself). It hurt all the more when she could go
stay at her dad’s and he would buy her the nice things she wanted.
During this time I started to experiment with some money creation techniques.
I didn’t know that' what I was doing at the time but I was trying to find a way to feel better about our financial situation.
We’d go to a grocery store and I’d give her 1/2 of the grocery money. Yes I did this and she loved it! She quickly learned that if she just bought
junk food, there weren’t enough decent meals. And she got to feel in control of handling financial choices and money which I think was important.
Whenever it really seemed hopeless financially, I would throw caution to the wind and take us both
out for a small treat. I told my daughter it’s when we feel most poor that we must treat ourselves.
My daughter actually got the lessons of abundance much faster than I did - partly because she continued to surround herself
with more abundance than I did. I pretty much stayed at home trying to figure the whole money thing out and find a way to make a decent
living with my business. Today we both still have no idea how we made it through those years financially and marvel that we did.
All of these situations went into my Money Mirror and it got pretty messed up. At that time I didn’t
even know I had a Money Mirror. I thought I was just being buffeted around by a financially uncaring world. In my darkest times,
I wondered if I had a prosperity curse and was destined to live a life of poverty and not having what I wanted.
Years went by. I worked hard, both on my business and on myself. My daughter graduated and got a good job.
That was one of the most fulfilling days of my life – knowing that she was going to be okay out in the world.
I felt like had completed the most difficult but rewarding task of my life. I missed her but was so proud of her.
(Once a mom always a mom I guess!)
Now back to my own financial struggle. It was still there. Big, scary, and always right in my face.
But as a result of all that work I did on myself I started to do the work I came here to do.
In order to give myself a financial breather
I sold my home. During that time I first lived in a 10’ X 10’ room at my brothers. Then I moved into a 600 sq.
ft apartment that seemed like a palace after that. It was during those days that I wrote my first award-winning book.
It was in those leanest times that I found the technique I used to create my success.
I was writing hundreds of songs, poems and articles. My creative dam burst open. But perhaps the most profound thing
I did was to “document” the process I went through as it happened. As I used the technique I wrote about in that book,
every day more and more subconscious beliefs, popped up. I was aware of this happening and I wrote them all down and
restructured my whole belief system. Much of this subconscious gunk was around money and abundance.
Soon I was able to move into a multi-million dollar home by sharing a beautiful home
in a gorgeous neighborhood one block from the big blue Pacific ocean. Amazing opportunities came flowing into my
life because unknowingly I had been perfecting The Money Mirror System™. One day I decided to organize all the abundance
information I had uncovered in this process.
I had been going through my money struggles during a time of great prosperity in America.
I had not been a part of that prosperity, just sort of a frustrated and then envious observer.
It was at the end of that cycle that I finally started to figure out the financial puzzle and for me
it was the magnificent Money Mirror System™. I had always wondered why I had to suffer so much financially while there was
such great abundance all around me.
Today the reasons seems clear to me. All my negative and destructive wealth
messages had to be broken down and analyzed so that I could learn how to create a great workable system of lasting abundance.
A system of wealth so strong that no one or no institution could take it away. I could now share that system with the millions who are going through their own
financial pain of today.
I was in the same boat. I got out. I know how you feel. Let me help. You don’t have to suffer financially.
There is a cure right at your fingertips.
Are you ready to take your first step into abundance? Please say yes.
Your life was meant to be filled with prosperity and lived with great joy! You'll be like a fresh new baby born into a life of abundance!
Here is how to get the "The Money Mirror System" and start creating the kind
of abundance you want and deserve in your life.
AND YES! YOU CAN Become even more spiritual as you get more prosperous
--Eldon Taylor, Ph.D.
"A Treasure That You’ll Be Glad You Discovered."
"I have known Terri Marie for over twenty years. She insists on doing the best at
everything she undertakes. Her products reflect that sense of responsibility.
I have had the opportunity to review much of her Money Mirror System.
I am very impressed with the tones.
It makes perfect sense that there would be a frequency pattern for various aspects of wealth since everything
in our universe is indeed a frequency vibrating at its own unique signature pattern.
If there is an abundance issue in your life, I think you’ll find Terri Marie’s system to be a treasure that you’ll be glad you discovered.
--Eldon Taylor, Ph.D.
New York Times Best Selling Author of
“Mind Programming”
and “What Does That Mean?”
"Opportunities are Showing up Everywhere"
--John Keenan
"In my few years of knowing Terri Marie she has lived what she teaches.
I have had the opportunity to learn from her while working in the studio recording her.
I am very impressed with her ability to inspire, just being in the room listening to her speak, perform,
and play music helped take me to a new place in my own life.
Now opportunities are showing up everywhere since listening and recording The Money Mirror with her.
If you’re like me, your old beliefs you never knew you had, will quickly fall into true prosperity."
"A wonderful tool for anyone interested in prosperity and abundance."
"Terri Marie has created a wonderful tool for anyone interested in prosperity and abundance.
The first time I listened to her "Abundance Tones," I found myself transported to a place
deep within my heart and soul where all seemed happy and peaceful.
What's more, the tones,
combined with her voice, seem to have the ability to transport me to a timeless land where peace,
joy, prosperity and all good things abound. Thanks, Terri Marie, for bringing the
magic of the Abundance Tones into my life."
---John Harricharan, Best-Selling Author "When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat"