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The 6 Big Crazy Beliefs of Poverty Thinking and
How to Get Rid of Them

1. Use Everything Up
You don’t deserve anything nice and new, even if you can’t stand it anymore.

2. Save Everything
There’s not enough. Think that God is restricted. (Not!)

3. There Isn’t Enough
WHAT? Hello? Energy is infinite. God is infinite. Can’t God make more of anything?

4. If I Give to Someone Else, There Won’t Be Enough Left For Me
So then you feel you don’t deserve much money or #3 above - there isn’t enough? Hmmm?

5. It’s Not Spiritual to Have a Lot of Money
Money is one thing - energy. It's an exchange of your time and life for this trading tool of money. You will get in life what you feel you deserve and no more. And all that is, is a thought. It's just a belief. So why not choose the best for you? Wouldn’t you do that for someone you love? Aren’t you worthy of that love too? God loves you more than you can ever imagine. And God wants you to be happy. He gave you this life to live it like the bride’s mother said to her daughter in My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

6. Have Lots and Lots of Pain Around Anything Associated with Money
Hate paying bills? Get upset when you are buying things and they cost more than you wish, when prices are not where you think they should be. Put big, huge, negative and yucky feelings everywhere around money.

The Best Cures For Those
Nasty Poverty Beliefs

1. The remedy for using everything up is going to be painful. You must start wasting a few things. You must not use everything up in the bottle. If your lipstick still has some left but you can’t stand the color, toss it. If you bought a box of cereal and you can’t stand it, you don’t have to finish it. How eating something you hate helps starving children is beyond me! If you let go of what you don’t like, then you are telling God that you deserve good, new, special things. Don't waste just for the sake of wasting but when you really are tired of something, want something new, or don't like it anymore, let it go.

2. If you don’t need it, give it away. God can find you when you need something new.

3. Supply and demand doesn’t work anymore. It’s a new money world. We are energy and we create abundance. God is infinite. We can access that place of abundance and create from the absolute endless supply of “unseen” resources that are ours for not just the asking, but also for the “believing.”

4. What I use and my beliefs about money have absolutely nothing to do with what others believe about what they get or about how much they deserve. In fact, I do the world a great favor by believing I deserve more. Then I bring more money and more abundance into existence into the world. And I get to share that prosperity with others. We all benefit.

5. Who said it's not spiritual to have money? Hogwash! God is everything. So therefore money is part of God. Enough said.

6. Start buying things with glee! Pay bills while you are listening to great music.> Get in a great and wonderful state of mind whenever you are around money. If you feel the old negative money feelings come back, (and they will, trust me) choose to push them aside for the new feelings of abundance you are creating with happiness around money.

Money is just energy. You can move that energy any way you like. Why not use it to make your life incredible? It's just changing your thoughts and feelings and abundance will show up as poverty leaves.

Happy Prosperity!

© 2009-10 White Wing Entertainment




  • YOU CAN Increase Your Wealth
  • YOU CAN Have More Money
  • YOU CAN Have the Abundance You Seek
  • AND YOU CAN Become even more spiritual as you get more prosperous


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